I haven't updated this blog in ages, and there's proper reason for that: too much work these days. I think I'll start hating C++ (yes, that bad). Anyway, apart from that, I decided to stick with openSUSE for now, and not only that, but I've completed the configuration of my OS just the way I like it. Yes, I kept notes too, which simply means that the second part of last month's OpenSource Journal is on the way.
Not much else really... the next post will probably be the Journal entry, I'll try to finish it within the upcoming weekend. Click on to see how my current desktop looks like:

Usually I don't have time to hack stuff, but tonight I started looking for hacks for the new Blogger, and I found many - it seems many people are already hacking their code into the new Blogger, and that's definitely a good thing. I've had the tabs for a while now, and they are very convenient to navigate the blog, as it gets larger. Well, today I added two more: as you can probably see, the larger posts have a Read More... link, which expands when clicked to show the full post. Other than that, I added link preview functionality via Snap.com, which is also pretty cool to look at.
I've also looked around to see what Wordpress can do, and I must say, some of the plugins that exist are too cool - of course you need a proper host to have all that, but nevermind. It feels like a whole new world to explore to me, and since I've been toying with the idea of starting a site of my own, I think I'll do just that :) Here are some of the blogs I've found that deal with Blogger hacks:
Hoctro's Place
Beautiful Beta
Blogger Hacked
To sum up this post, I wanted to introduce you lot to Windows Live Writer. Yes, it's from Microsoft, and it's a mini-word processor especially for blogs. And yes, apart from Windows Live Spaces, it also works with Blogger. As a matter of fact, this very post is made with WLW. Here is the website where you can get it from:
http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/Edit: I modified the top graphic a bit with the help of The Gimp, and also finished modifying a script a while ago, that allows me to use the most common Rage3D smileys over here. Here's an example: :) ;) :( :D :p :cool: :drool: :bleh: :evil: :wtf: :lol: :mad: :wave: :confused: :rolleyes: :Pics:
So... 2007 is upon us eh. First of all, may I wish a very merry Happy New Year to whomever reads these lines and actually cares what's up in the Kombatant Lair these days. The past week was rather uneventful, which is definitely a good thing - not much happening at work, 15min drive to get there (gotta love it when Athens is empty due to vacations :)), heaven I tell you!

Oh, I got myself a new toy, as you can probably see in the image that accompanies this post. Yup, I am back to Nokia, and this time I got myself a proper Symbian phone, the N80 (black edition of course). This thing has practically everything + the kitchen sink, and it should keep me occupied for quite a while. I especially love the fact that it's got Wi-Fi capabilities, so I can connect easily to my wireless ADSL router here at home and browse the net without having to sit in front of my PC. Plus, I've downloaded a whole bunch of cool apps, including VNC clients, media players and so on and so forth. If only the battery would last longer (only two days)... :bleh:
By the way, I think I made up my mind about what distro I will use. OpenSUSE is nice et al, but something doesn't quite click about it. I don't know how to put it really, it's just not a distro that'll make a fan out of you. So I'll probably install Gentoo at some point (unless I chicken out and go back to Ubuntu - yeah I know, my decisiveness is mind-blowing :p)
So Happy New Year Everyone, and don't believe
ALL the R600 rumours that are flying around these days ;)
P.S As you probably noticed I changed the top graphic somewhat - this comes from a great wallpaper I found over at
interfacelift.com, and to be more specific, from
Pacific City by
Chris Fenison.